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High Country Metals, LLC
(719) 539-6444
- HCM Flat Sheets -

HCM Flat Sheet Pricing
29Ga. Galvalume (41" x 10' 2")
26Ga. Galvalume (43" x 10' 2")
29Ga. Bonderized (41" x 10' 2")
26Ga. Bonderized
29Ga. Rusting Steel
26Ga. Rusting Steel (41" x 10' 2")
29Ga. Painted (41" x 10' 2")
26Ga. Painted (43" x 10' 2")
29Ga. Copper Painted (41" x 10' 2")
26Ga. Copper Painted (43" x 10' 2")
29Ga. Wood Print Painted
26Ga. Wood Print Painted (43" x 10' 2")
- $4.00/Ln. Ft. ($40.67/Sheet)
- $4.30/Ln. Ft. ($43.72/Sheet)
- $4.70/Ln. Ft. ($47.79/Sheet)
- Not Available
- Not Available
- $5.30/Ln. Ft. ($53.89/Sheet)
- $4.75/Ln. Ft. ($48.29/Sheet)
- $5.50/Ln. Ft. ($55.92/Sheet)
- $5.25/Ln. Ft. ($53.38/Sheet)
- $6.00/Ln. Ft. ($61.00/Sheet)
- Not Available
- $7.50/Ln. Ft. ($76.25/Sheet)
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